Sūþende þǣre eaxetgEW pj Bo ZSWoGg E Y31OQ uoU3N

Antarctica Farthest Souths.svg

Se Sūþende þǣre Eaxe is se stede in þǣm sūþernan healftryndle þǣr þǣre Eorðan eaxe mēteþ þǣre Eorðan andƿlitan. Hē nis in þǣm gelīcum stede þæs irenteīende ende, se līþ ælmǣst þūsend mīla þǣrof.

Se Sūþende is onmiddan Antarctican, nigon þūsand fōta ofer brimhēanesse. Eall se landscipe is īsig, and īs is oft ānum mīle ðicce.

Middangeardes sūðernmesta stede is se Sūþende þǣre Eaxe, and he ligþ eleƿiðerrihtes þǣm Norþende þære eaxe. His rihtung is sōþ sūþdǣl. Æt þǣm Sūþende þære Eaxe sind ealles rihtunge norþƿeard.

Se ǣrrsta mann tō standenne æt þǣm Sūþende þǣre Eaxe ƿæs Norþƿegisc ƿer, Roald Amundsen se fund hine on 14 Gēolmonaþ 1911. Bryttisc tēam under Sciphlāford Robert Falcon Scott hrān þone ende on 17 Ǣftergēole 1912, and þǣr fundon Amundsenes Fāna.

Scott æt þǣm Sūþende þǣre eaxe, mid Amundsenes feldhūse

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