
Connacht's airt in Ireland

Connacht (Erse: Cúige Chonnacht, meanin "stewartry o the descendants o Conn") is the wastren stewartry o Ireland, makkin ane o the fower stewartries. It conseests o five coonties, Galway, Leitrim, Mayo, Roscommon an Sligo. The main ceeties is Galway ceety an Sligo. It haes a population o 503,083 fowk, the smawest population o the fower stewartries.

History[eedit | eedit soorce]

It haed lang been a proveencial kinrick whan the Normans invadit Ireland, an held oot agin the Normans mony times till in 1225 it wis hinderly invadit an the Burke faimly becam de facto rulers. Houaniver the ruling O'Conor faimly held the teetle Keeng o Connacht till the late 17t century. In 1798, Connacht haed a short exeestence as the Republic o Connacht, wi the support o Fraunce.

The Banner[eedit | eedit soorce]

Connacht's banner

The first record o the banner is on a cairt o Galway frae 1651. The banner leuks like the banner o Schottenkloster or Erse monastery in Regensburg, Bavarie. Hou that banner becam the banner o Connacht is unbekent.

Erse leid[eedit | eedit soorce]

The Erse leid is spoken in the Gaeltacht in Mayo an Galway that represents a muckle pairt o the Erse leid speakers.

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